Registration Office SS Volunteer Legion Netherlands

Registration Office Volunteer SS Legion Netherlands

According to the handwritten text on the back, volunteers are signing up at a registration office for the fight against Bolshevism.

ARNHEM, July 16, 1941(?)

During World War II, the Dutch SS Volunteer Legion (Vrijwilligerslegioen Nederland) had registration offices set up in major cities across the Netherlands. These offices were established to recruit Dutch men to join the Waffen-SS, the armed wing of the Nazi Party's Schutzstaffel. The recruitment was often supported by the NSB (Nationaal-Socialistische Beweging), the Dutch Nazi party led by Anton Mussert. Volunteers were motivated by various factors, including ideological alignment with Nazi beliefs, anti-communism, and the promise of adventure or financial incentives.

17 x 23 cm



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